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Principal's Message

At Loyalty, our students always come first. The school offers a friendly, intimate and student-centred learning environment where each child is placed at the very centre of the learning process and will receive a broad and balanced education from our highly qualified teachers. The most important investment you will make in your life will be in your child’s education. It has the potential to pay dividends long after they leave the school gates. Research, and then invest wisely. Beware though, investment is not simply financial. You will need to commit equal amounts of patience, trust, aspiration and love to get the best returns. If you are searching for a boarding and day school in Kathmandu that will honour that type of commitment, welcome to Loyalty


Providing each and every one of our students with opportunities to grow and develop, both academically and emotionally, bringing out the best in our children is our constant aim. This means developing and nurturing a successful blend of creativity, confidence and courtesy which will equip our students to cope with the demands of life in our ever changing, fluid world.


Mr. Birendra Kurumbang


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